
Where My Story and Your Journey Meets!

Thank you for checking in to learn more about Journey Geared, LLC. This online store is created with intentional faith to encourage, inspire and bring hope through messages of faith, love, and wellness. We are all about the journey, and understand that in life we all go through changing seasons. In your season, you may be seeking God for creative ideas to face the challenges ahead. Maybe you want to inspire your team for the next project to spark innovation. Perhaps you are on a wellness jouney, and seeking to be more present in every moment you find yourself.

Whereever you are on your journey, these special items were designed with you in mind. Take them and put them on and use them to celebrate where you have been and where you are going next. Make a powerful statement!

We hope these selections bless you!

~Be The Light~

Founder, and Owner, Anita L. Richardson